Celebrating 15 Years of documenting your beautiful memories

Celebrating 15 Years of Documenting YOUR Beautiful Memories!!!

I am beyond grateful for the moments I’ve been able to photograph over the past 15 years.

Just over 15 years ago I was working at a family owned portrait studio based out of Wheaton, Illinois. It was a wonderful place to work! I made some great connections there with other photographers. We learned so much from each other and enjoyed bouncing around our creative ideas when it came to lighting, editing, studio set-ups and marketing campaigns.

In 2008 there was a major set-back in the economy. Many storefronts struggled. A lot of business owners had to make some big decisions on how to move forward. I was really nervous. I loved my job! When the studio closed, I was encouraged to move forward with my own photography business. I was afraid of failure. Reluctantly, I sent out my first digital newsletter.
I was pleasantly surprised by how well received my first newsletter was! My phone was lighting up with calls and messages… this was actually going to work!

I feel extremely blessed to have been entrusted to capture these once in a lifetime moments for couples and families over the years. It has been an incredible and rewarding journey!
THANK YOU for your continued support and referrals. It’s because of you that I’ve been able to pursue my passion for photography and help support my family financially.

God Bless,
Trish Lynn Forsberg
(630) 818-6301

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