Hinckley IL Senior Portraits with this BEAUTIFUL GRADUATE! While 2020 might not seem like the most ideal year to graduate or celebrate anything major due to Covid-19, I have a feeling these high school seniors are truly ready to make their mark in the world. Everyone is under quarantine and is encouraged to practice social distancing. Graduation ceremonies have been postponed and we’re forced to celebrate online. However, I sense the loss of something these young adults have waited so long for will actually encourage and push them to even greater heights. They are on the edge of doing great things. And it’s these young, fresh, motivated and inspired minds that we need NOW more than ever.
This awesome young woman is my neighbor. I wish I could say I’d gotten to know her well before her session. But sometimes, we’re just so wrapped up in our own lives (busy mom of two here). It was truly a breathe of fresh air, heading over to Big Rock Forest Preserve to capture this amazing collection of photos for her and chatting all along the way! She reminds me a little of myself when I was that age… sort of quiet and reserved, thoughtful, contemplative, down to earth with a sort of sarcastic sense of humor.
My heart goes out to her and all her fellow 2020 graduating class for having to graduate in a less than optimal environment… to have the traditions somewhat stolen… and to settle for a quiet celebration at home with close family and friends. But SHE IS still a graduate. This IS still a very awesome time in her life. And she DESERVES to be celebrated.
THANK YOU for entrusting me to document this very special time in your life D! Many positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way on your next steps… your life journey!