Memorial Day Memories 2019

Seriously, what are you waiting for?

I have heard too many excuses of why people hold off on documenting these moments that pass by way too fast!  They want to lose 15 more pounds, wait for the braces to come off, for little moods to get better… but LIFE is happening right now, in the midst of all the chaos!

Memories are BEAUTIFUL.  They are not PERFECT.  Or perhaps they are perfectly imperfect.  They are the special little pieces you hold onto forever.  And some of those bits and pieces will be quirky and cute or hard and trying.  But one day, you’ll look back on them fondly and wonder how it all went by much too quickly.

I encourage you to be THANKFUL for where you are at RIGHT NOW.  It may be a mess, but what a beautiful mess it can be.

Sincerely Yours,
Trish Lynn Forsberg
(630) 818-6301

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